Community Associations are registered societies focused on improving neighborhood life within a specific geographic area. They provide programs, services, and communications to enhance residents’ quality of life.

The Mid-Sun Community Association (MSCA) serves Midnapore, Sundance and surrounding Communities, aiming to foster a sense of community. It is managed by paid staff and a volunteer Board of Directors who act as a liaison with residents, the City of Calgary, and other stakeholders. MSCA supports events, special projects, and initiatives that address community concerns.

The Mid-Sun Community Association specifically aims to build a sense of community by:

  • Amplifying residents’ voices and creating a shared sense of community.
  • Serving as a hub for information through channels like Facebook groups.
  • Offering recreational programs for all ages and an Out-of-School Care Program for children.
  • Promoting inclusivity, safety, and collaboration with local businesses and organizations.
  • Engaging residents in community planning and municipal decisions.
  • Maintaining facilities for social and recreational activities.

By addressing local issues and supporting initiatives, the MSCA works to enhance the well-being of its community.

Residents Association

Residential developers create new communities with amenities like parks, green spaces, and tree-lined boulevards. Once residents move in, the communities are transferred to the City of Calgary, but certain optional amenities (e.g., water fountains, gazebos) are not maintained by the City.

Residents Associations were put in place to operate, maintain and manage these amenities by utilizing the revenue from residents fees.  Membership in the residents association is compulsory and the annual fee is collected by the residents association through a caveat on title.  Follow the links below to view your Residents Associations website!